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I joined Franklin Football in my sophomore year and it was one of the most challenging commitments I made in high school. There were a lot of hardships that came with being the only girl on the team but I have learned a lot from those challenges and obstacles I had to face.

I joined Franklin's wrestling team my Junior year mainly because the Football coaches really encouraged it to help with football but I have grown to love the sport individually and wished I have done wrestling sooner. I won third place in the Don York wrestling competition but my season for wrestling was stopped short from a Staph infection.

Chinese Dance
I have done Chinese dance for 8 years and performed in multiple events. As I got older I moved on to modern and contemporary dance but by Sophmore year of high school, I retired due to commitment to school and other activities.

Key Club
I have been a member of Key Club and other clubs since Freshman year. In my junior year, I ran for Treasurer and won the election. I now manage the financial transactions of the club.
Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts)
I have been doing Martial arts for 10 years now and during that time I have grown mentally and physically through the practice of Wushu. I have competed and performed in multiple events such as the Jade night market, Chinese New Year, Eastport fair, and more. I have also taught martial arts to younger students at the academy.
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