One of the most important things we did this week was finalizing the plan for the recruitment interviews. It is one of the things that we are being really diligent and serious about because the students we recruit will eventually be the future of Passion Impact in terms of Franklin High school and we will also have to work with them for the whole school year. I have been practicing talking a lot so that I can feel more comfortable since I do get nervous sometimes. One thing I want to make sure about the recruitment is that it is fair and we are considerate towards the applicant’s feelings. I want to make sure that just because we need more lowerclassmen member we do not discriminate against the older recruits and that even if one applicant partakes in more activities than the others we do not assume that their commitment will be any less than the others but also considering that many sports and activities may be canceled due to the pandemic. I also want to make sure the environment is not intense because it would not be fair for students with social anxiety and that if we do not have that many applicants we should not interview in groups because they will know who got rejected and it can be embarrassing.
We also had two workshops this week, resume building and Justice, Bias & Stereotypes 101. I enjoyed the resume building because I know that my resume could be better and I want to improve it so that I am proud and satisfied with it. I learned that some of the things I added to my skills are towards the experience category so I am going to add a new section on my resume and delete my references section because in applications there is a section to put down references. I also did not know there was such a thing called personal statement so I am working towards writing that out. Relating to resumes, I have also created a LinkedIn profile and made so connections. Originally I was not going to make one since it was optional but I am glad I did because I can see myself utilizing it. The other workshop we did was the Justice, Bias & Stereotypes 101 which I am glad we had because we had some really eye-opening discussions. I learned that my immediate definition of a just world is a world where everyone has human rights and those who are in more need to receive the resources that prevent any disadvantage. I learned that there are counterarguments to people’s ideas of a just world and it is much more complicated than a single definition. Originally I thought that prejudice and discrimination can not exist in a just world but someone else said that they can coexist together and after hearing their definition I can see where they are coming from.